πŸ‘‹ Hi

, I am Aman Tiwari

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Aman Tiwari
Full Stack Developer

About me

Hello !! My name is Aman Tiwari. I'm a full stack web developer who is passionate about various web technologies. I like to experiment with different web technologies. I have an experience of nearly 3 months working with MERN stack and Gatsbyjs. Building fancy UI's just like this one that your seeing πŸ˜… and writing blogs about tech stacks is what Aman loves to do. Check my blog which I update every week for some Javascript and some cool notes on web technologies. Currently I work mostly with Javascript technologies like ReactJS and GatsbyJS. I also have hands on experience working with cloud infrastructures like AWS/GCP and have deployed applications keeping scalability in mind. Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Github Actions are some of the cool tools I use for CI/ CD. I'm always a learner and a self taught programmer.


Bachelor Of Technology

Computer Science Engineering

Birla Institute Of Technology, Mesra
2019 - 2022

High School Certificate

Commerce + Information Practices (IP)

Kendriya Vidyalaya No.3, Jaipur
April 2018 - March 2019

Secondary School Certificate

All Subject

Kendriya Vidyalaya No.3, Jaipur
April 2016 - March 2017


Programming Languages




Frontend Frameworks




Styled Compoments

Backend Frameworks








Work Experience

Cloud Computing Intern

- MedTourEasy

11/2020 ‐ 12/2020

Worked on DevOps tools like Docker, Jenkins, Git, GitHub Actions for implementing CI/CD pipeline.

Worked on Google Cloud Platform and Services tools like Database, Storage, Networking, Cloud Build for implementing CI/CD pipeline.

Worked on Google Kubernetes Engine and Services tools like Connected to Google Cloud Services, Storage, Networking, Jenkins for implementing CI/CD pipeline, Scalable the pod and Update the docker image and deploy and rollout back


- LinuxWorld Training

04/2020 ‐ 06/2020

In this training, Learned about the whole pipeline of Data Science from Data Collection to Model Training including steps like Feature Engineering, Feature Elimination, Feature Selection, Statistical concepts like p‐value, Signification Value, R Square, Adjusted R Square and also used different algorithms of Machine Learning and Deep Learning including CNN, AlexNet Architecture, DNN, GANs.

Apart from all these concepts, Worked on different DevOps tools like Docker, Jenkins, Git, Github, Kubernetes Deployments to automate the stuff of Hyper Parameter Tuning so that we can get the best accuracy of our model.